Voices On Hold

Hold music adds a personal touch to your voicemail.


Your order

Subtotal  59,00
VAT (21%)  12,39
Total  71,39

Your guarantees

With us, you can order without worries.

Am I eligible for a discount?

The rate drops if several messages are recorded.

Volume discount:

The cost per message decreases if you enter more messages or longer texts. That's because we charge a one-off starting cost and then calculate the price depending on the length of the text.

Additional volume discount:

We offer an additional volume discount starting at 750 words. It is automatically applied when texts are entered.

Partner code:

If you have a partner coupon code, you can enter it at the checkout. This discount will be automatically applied before you check out.

Are there any hidden costs?

No, there are no hidden costs or subscription plans. You only pay once for your audio files. After that, you can use them on your own business telephone system without limitation.

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