Looking for a beautiful voice-over?
The most beautiful Spanish telephone voices.
Our warm voices provide your company with the perfect first impression.
Trust our friendly, clear voices. Because first impressions count.
Spanish voicemail voices
Here you will find the finest Spanish voicemail voices for your telephone system. You can recognize our beautiful Spanish voiceovers from BBC, Dior, Amazon and Netflix.
How does it work?
Choose the appropriate voicemail voice.
You will recognize our telephone voices from on the radio. -
Write your phone texts.
Read our sample texts for inspiration. -
Add hold music, if necessary.
Waiting music adds a personal touch to your voicemail. -
Download your audio files.
You will receive the audio super fast in your mailbox.
Includes top service!
- Telephony: The voice-over can be used unlimited in time on the agreed company's telephone system.
First 25 words included in the price
after that, pricing based on text length.
Including audio post-production
the audio is mastered and converted into separate files.
Free new recording included
in case of mispronunciation.
Includes 3 formats
you will receive 3 exports (8kHz, 16kHz and 48kHz).
Ready in an instant
within 3 working days at the most, but often much faster!

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

Based on the average delivery time of this voice, if you order before 12 noon.

How does it work?
Frequently Asked Questions
About our rates
The rate drops if several messages are recorded.
Volume discount:
The cost per message decreases if you enter more messages or longer texts. That's because we charge a one-off starting cost and then calculate the price depending on the length of the text.
Additional volume discount:
We offer an additional volume discount starting at 750 words. It is automatically applied when texts are entered.
Partner code:
If you have a partner coupon code, you can enter it at the checkout. This discount will be automatically applied before you check out.
Prices starting from €89.
The price of your phone messages depends on the length of your texts to be recorded. Our voice actors start as low as €89 per phone call. If you want to calculate the voicing rate price, you can enter your text using this link.
Music costs €59.
Adding hold or background music is subject to a one-off cost of €59.
No surprises
No, there are no hidden costs or subscription plans. You only pay once for your audio files. After that, you can use them on your own business telephone system without limitation.
About your order
If you order today, the final product will be delivered tomorrow.
As a rule, we guarantee delivery within 3 working days, but in 90% of cases your order will be finished the next day thanks to our production process, which takes place entirely online. Our voice-over specialists have a professional recording studio. Finally, the phone messages receive a finishing touch in our studio. We do this in the same order as the requests come in.
Do you have an urgent order? Please let us know.
Does your order absolutely require it to be ready the next working day or maybe even the day itself? Give us a call or send us an email and your order will be given top priority.
Can I order from any European country?
Yes, we operate in all European countries. By the way, our voice-overs are certified native speakers who live and work in your country of origin. This means we can guarantee correct pronunciation in your native language.
Will I receive the right format?
You will receive your telephone messages ready-to-use in the two most common formats for telephone systems.
- Wav 48kHz 24bit
- Wav 16kHz 16bit
- Wav 8kHz 16bit
But actually any format is possible, including 8kHz 8bit a-law or MP3 and everything in between. Does the file not work properly the first time? No worries: we will work together to find the right format for your telephone system. Our after-sales service is also very helpful.
If you have chosen to have hold music mixed with your messages, our sound engineer will customise this to suit your needs. Your audio files are immediately usable on your telephone system and finished according to modern, high-quality standards.
Digital archive.
We also keep a digital archive for each customer. So if you want to make changes to files later, these can be edited easily and inexpensively.
Audio briefing.
If necessary, you will receive a link for an audio briefing. With the help of this audio briefing, the voice-over actor knows exactly how to pronounce certain names or brands so we can ensure flawless handling.
How do I change my order?
If the voice-over actor has not begun recording, we may still be able to edit the script. If the text has been recorded and finished, he or she will charge a new standard fee for a new studio recording. If the voice-over actor accidentally failed to follow the audio briefing guidelines for pronunciation, you will of course be entitled to a new recording free of charge!
How do I cancel my order?
If you wish to cancel a submitted and paid order, please inform us as soon as possible. If the voice-over actor has not begun recording, we can cancel your order in time. If the voice-over actor has already started, we will work out a solution together. Feel free to call us to discuss the possibilities.
We always go for the best result!
Although we have a customer satisfaction score of 99.9%, recording a voice-over is still the work of a human being. Very rarely, a word may be pronounced incorrectly. If your audio recording is not entirely satisfactory after your text and audio briefing, we will simply do it again until you are completely satisfied!
Instructions for the voice-over actor.
After you have placed your order, we will ask you to prepare some instructions. In this audio briefing, you can specify how the tone-of-voice should be. Should the message sound very cheerful or do you prefer it to be pronounced slowly?
Correct pronunciation.
If necessary, you can use our platform to record your company name, brand name, surnames, number and date notations. Do you prefer "from one to five p.m." or "from thirteen to seventeen hours"? Do you prefer to hear "three hundred and thirty-three", "three, three, three" or "triple three" when pronouncing the phone number? Thanks to your audio briefing, it is completely clear to our voice-over actor how something should be pronounced.
Which payment methods are available?
Online payments are completely free of charge. The following payment methods are available.
- iDEAL (ABN Amro, ASN bank, bunq, Frielans bank, ING, Knab, Rabobank, Regiobank, SNS bank, Triodos bank, Van Lanschot Bankiers)
- Credit Card
- Giropay
- Bancontact
- Paypal
Would you like to pay later by invoice?
No problem. Simply choose the Invoice option during checkout. Please note: for new customers, the order will not be executed until payment has been completed.
About your account.
When you place an order with us for the first time, we will ask for your e-mail address, name, address and phone number. We need these data to deliver your phone messages and invoice. We store these data securely. In your account, you can track the status of your order. Your phone messages are also stored there.
Our payment partner is Mollie.
Payments are processed via our payment partner Mollie. Mollie is an independent third party between you and Voices.eu. Mollie and Voices.eu ensure the security of all transactions by using a secure SSL connection. This connection (recognisable by the padlock) guarantees a secure transaction between you and your bank. It ensures a powerful kind of encryption (encoding) that prevents malicious parties from using your data. Even from abroad, your payments will be processed using a secure SSL connection. All your data (including your credit card number) are protected by SSL. Moreover, your credit card number is only used once for the payment of your order and is not stored afterwards.
You can view and change your contact details in your online account. All your personal data are stored confidentially on our secure server. We comply with the Data Protection Act (Wet op de Bescherming van Persoonsgegevens) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
General terms and conditions.
When you place an order with us, you agree to our General Terms and Conditions.
About our voices
What is your brand identity?
The type of voice you choose depends on your corporate or brand identity. What image does your company project? If you have the answer to this question, you know which type of voice you need to represent your company.
Who are your customers?
Finally, customers are also a deciding factor. A company that wants to sound young and fresh will want to choose a cheerful voice. If you often deal with older people, a reassuring and soft voice with a slow and clear pronunciation is preferable.
Our voice-overs provide clarity.
Does your company consist of several departments? Are your customers likely to raise numerous topics and questions? Then a choice menu is the best solution for your telephone system.
A key point here is that every message should be clear and intelligible. A telephone voice from voices.be also conveys tranquillity, credibility and professionalism.
Feeling valued
Deep down, we don't like having to go through a choice menu. But a pleasant, welcoming voice immediately makes us feel appreciated and better served. Moreover, clear messages allow you to quickly and efficiently direct your customers to the right department.
The choice is yours
What's the difference?
We always communicate what each voice-over's native language is. Some voice-overs also offer a second language. Moreover, you can hear how they sound in the demo. The choice between a single multilingual speaker or several native speakers is up to you.
The advantage of using a multilingual speaker.
You can process all your scripts at once. Your telephone system will sound more consistent. You only pay one single start-up fee for your entire order. Moreover, should you wish to make adjustments in the future, you will also save on the various start-up fees.
The advantage of using several native speakers.
You are 100% certain that no local or regional sounds can be heard in the voice-over. Although our multilingual voice-over talents are highly fluent in several languages, their foreign-language origins will always remain slightly noticeable to a native speaker.
But the message also counts: keep it short.
Perception has taught us that the quicker we get to talk to a real person, the more we like it. So keep waiting time and choices as short as possible.
Think from your customer's point of view.
Don't use your company's organization as a starting point. If your customer wants to know if his or her parcel can be returned, the option 'For returning an order, press 2' is more customer-friendly than 'For service and repair department, press 2'. So make sure your communication is easy to understand.
Communicate the main message first.
Compile a list of the most frequently asked questions. Next, allocate these questions to a limited number of choice options. Make sure not to complicate things: stick to a maximum of five topics.
Make sure your system works efficiently.
Give some careful thought to the questions your customers might ask. The better your internal organisation is, the faster you will be able to answer all kinds of questions. If you use a system that links the customer number to the phone number, an existing customer will not need to identify him- or herself in the menu. This saves time and allows customers to navigate through the selection menu much faster, making it a more pleasant experience for them.
Looking for a Spanish phone voice to record your voicemail?
The finest Spanish voicemail voices at your fingertips.
Thanks to our convenient webshop, you can quickly and easily book a Spanish voicemail voice. We collected the finest Spanish telephone voices, known from radio and television. They originate from Spain. You are guaranteed to find a Spanish voicemail voice that suits your business. Choose the voice-over and then insert your text. If necessary, also choose appropriate hold music. Then we get to work. Your chosen telephone voice from Spain will receive your welcome texts. Is everything clear? Then the script will be professionally voiced and finished in the studio. Do you need help choosing or creating your telephone greetings? Then feel free to talk to us on our Livechat. We are happy to help you find the perfect Spanish voicemail voice for your business.
How much does a Spanish voicemail voice cost?
We love transparency, simplicity and accessibility. A Spanish voice-over charges a start-up fee of €89, which includes the first 25 words. So for that amount you already have a Spanish voice-over recording. What does it cost to receive multiple Spanish voice-over audio files? Well, above 25 words, the price is calculated based on the total text length. Even if it's about multiple multilingual messages that you are having the same Spanish phone voice recorded.
We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our Spanish voicemail voices
Our commitment to our products is such that we vouch for every audio recording delivered. We are only satisfied if you are.
We are committed to getting your recordings right the first time. Therefore, if in doubt, we would like to ask you to make an audio briefing after your order. We also offer a free retake, should you not be satisfied with the pronunciation or tone-of-voice.
On Google, our customers rate us as excellent. Feel free to browse through some of our hundreds of five-star reviews.