Need help? Available every weekday from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please note that we may be able to respond to your inquiry a little later than usual due to extraordinary busy times until May 13, 2024.


Our price is calculated based on text length. 

Phone Greetings

Telephone message*

*Price per message if text consists of 140 words. (Or +/- messages of 20 words.) Total price is then .

Change the number of words with this slider.

Waiting music



Am I eligible for a discount?

The rate drops if several messages are recorded.

Volume discount:

The cost per message decreases if you enter more messages or longer texts. That's because we charge a one-off starting cost and then calculate the price depending on the length of the text.

Additional volume discount:

We offer an additional volume discount starting at 750 words. It is automatically applied when texts are entered.

Partner code:

If you have a partner coupon code, you can enter it at the checkout. This discount will be automatically applied before you check out.

No surprises

No, there are no hidden costs or subscription plans. You only pay once for your audio files. After that, you can use them on your own business telephone system without limitation.

Prices starting from €89.

The price of your phone messages depends on the length of your texts to be recorded. Our voice actors start from as little as €89 per phone call. If you want to calculate the voicing rate price, you can enter your text using this link.

Music costs €59.

Adding hold or background music is subject to a one-off cost of €59. 
